Patty Schull

Thoughts for Discussion from Patty Schull’s Confidence Building Workshop –

  • What was the most inspiring point from Patty’s talk?
  • What piece of advice do you find most helpful?
  • What piece of advice do you find most applicable? Were there points she made that you find hard to envision putting into practice? Can the group brainstorm ways to make these pieces applicable?
  • Were there points you were hoping Patty would address but didn’t get to?
  • What are the major (and minor!) obstacles impeding confidence?

Feel free to comment (anonymously if you prefer) on any of these questions, or ask your own to the group through the comments section.

5 thoughts on “Patty Schull

  1. Can you elaborate – what type of interactions do you want to see?
    More practice and interaction would require a longer time period – min of 2 hours to practice interactions.
    This can be done!


  2. The most helpful piece I found is the message she said about ‘ You can learn how to learn’, that to me means it doesn’t matter if you don’t know something, you can learn eat. In grad school I feel we face many challenges, and a challenge means a new learning process. Sometimes I think we feel insecure because of those challenges and the fact that we don’t know enough, but as Patty said we can learn it, we just need to keep in mind we can learn it, it is all about starting to learn.
    I think it is hard to apply something learn in only one hour. In one hour we cannot learn something such important as it is having confidence, I think. I got some messages but we didn’t put it in practice, so going out there and using those tools she mentioned is hard if you don’t practice with people you feel confident first.

    I think a big obstacle to confidence is the competitive environment school has.


  3. Hello Everyone,

    Both Patty and myself are very excited to hear about your thoughts on what worked and what did not from Patty’s talk. We will be offering this again to WISg in January with improvements based upon your thoughts, ideas and comments. Please take a little time to respond. Further we will be offering a 2 other confidence building seminars focused on the relationship between ‘Confidence and planning/organization” and “Confidence and body image/body power”.



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